The word of the day

Dear Miss K

Jag har lärt mig ett nytt ord (eller begrepp kanske man ska kalla det) idag... Tell me, har du hört uttrycket "Swamp ass" tidigare? Både begreppet och fenomenet är nytt för mig. Men inte längre eftersom att jag googlade det.

Så, Swamp ass är:

"The origin of this problem is the ass crack. Once sweaty it begins to get itchy, like you did not wipe well enough. After it gets unbearable you begin to scratch like crazy, and shortly thereafter your whole ass feels like one big cactus has spanked you for hours.
By Bryan & John"

"An unfortunate condition in which the taint (the often hair-bespeckled, flrshy space between balls and ass) is wallowing in the depths of a vile, festering, putrid poo swamp. A generally uncomfortable, unwipable ass. The only cure is gold bond.
Jesus Christ, I hope Janice doesn't notice the permeating stench of my swamp ass while she's sucking on my balls!
By Larry Schlonsleberry III"

"An unfortunate condition that results in extreme discomfort to ones anal opening. This condition is usually brought on by excessive perspiration, excessive friction / movement and incomplete anal paper work. Can also be brought on by liquid or solid content flatulence and excessive bowel movements. Also called athletes ass.
A runner with diarrhea will experience swamp ass on warm summer days.
By mtbikerbob"

Alltså ja, man kan väl bli svettig överallt när man tränar... Men what is the itch about? Man är väl inte allergisk mot sitt eget svett heller?!

Men nu har vi ett begrepp för detta i alla fall. Remember, words are thoughts!

Miss F


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